Friday, August 8, 2014

Fear Not, Earthlings -- Barack Obama Finally Found Some People Everyone AGREES Should Be Bombed (even most Muslims) with LITTLE TO NO COLLATERAL DAMAGE!!!

(Significant grammar-confusion will be included.)

>>> ALSO, MERCIFULLY, I could return to my home planet AT ANY TIME!!! (may contain vulgarities and other inanities that used to plague me -- this posting has DISGUISED NAMES for those who sued me in Chicago)



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  • Niki Collins-Queen likes this.
  • Scott Kenan True, like me, Ansley is NOT easily controlled, but I'm just disappointed that this EDUCATED woman chose a graphic with a huge GRAMMAR ERROR to make her point.
    • Karen Ferrell-White You know, most schools no longer teach the subjunctive--kids no longer understand it because they don't hear it anywhere except perhaps in their ancient English teachers' classes. It's unfortunate in my view, but another of those shifts that occur in our language.
    • Scott Kenan So Karen -- you are saying I JUST NEED TO GET OVER IT, or we need to be more exacting in our teaching of the English language???
    • 8 mins · Like
    • Scott Kenan Hmmm . . . Karen might need additional grammar instruction, too . . .

Then, suddenly, Karen came back to complete her thought (having this size a thought is a mark of TRUE INTELLIGENCE!!!):

  • Karen Ferrell-White I think I'm just saying that the subjunctive is gone with the wind except for us old farts. If you think about it, there used to be far more use of it than just in the "If I/it/she/he were...," but those were left by the wayside so long ago that almost no one even recognizes the construction--unless he/she is a reader of pretty old literature. 
    16 mins · Edited · Like

  • Kids who came from homes where it was spoken would use it, but they had no idea why; kids from homes where it wasn't thought it sounded wrong at best, and stupid at worst. I would--if the subject came up--do a lesson on the subjunctive, but it was not in my normal curriculum, and I was the Grammar Queen at my school. It's along the lines of the loss of the "ue" in spelling of such words as "catalogue" and "monologue" (though you do still see that last one with ue, it's headed out the door). 

  • Any number of changes in usage have occurred over the last 200 years--hardly anyone says "an historian" anymore (disclosure: Scott does!!!), for instance, and that's only a single example of the kind of thing I was accustomed to and taught for a long time. Language changes. It's a fact. I for one oppose the shifts I'm seeing that are truly awful--the ones that come from hypercorrection and result in things like "between you and I" and "saw John and I." 

  • But my opposition won't stand against the tide of popular usage. Spell-check and grammar-check are dooming us to a population who don't understand the language and its nuances at all but just depend on that green squiggly line and accept whatever a computer programmer somewhere said was correct. It makes me crazy, but I guess the bottom line is that you and I both need to let it go because we're not going to change it? Perhaps? I don't know; I've been retired for 7 years, and I still want to use my black marker to fix things on signs in stores...I don't do it so much anymore, but I surely would LIKE to. 

  • My point, I guess, is that while I really dislike the deterioration of usage I'm seeing, I think picking the battles we might be able to win is a better choice--and I think subjunctive is a battle too far.

  • Scott Kenan Hmmm . . . Karen might need additional grammar instruction, too . . . (a comment from before that strangely registered twice.)
    8 mins · Like
  • Karen Ferrell-White LOL--if you knew me, you'd never suggest that. :\;)
    3 mins · Like
  • Scott Kenan I figured as much, but something interrupted you. I'm glad you got back and finished it -- and I MUST SAY, if I weren't a dang homo, I'd marry you!!!



  • Yulius Sardjono Pope Francis's Christ, I am Catholic Scott Kenan !.
  • Scott Kenan Yulius Sardjono: I would say that was the best of those choices by far!!! 

  • And as you likely know, Sean Hannity is a DEVOUT ROMAN CATHOLIC.

  •  I was raised AND GRADE-SCHOOL-EDUCATED Catholic and once wanted to be a Jesuit priest, but after considering how my Mom (first identified in 1990 by TOP Jewish Atlanta business leaders -- I lived in ATL area 1983 - 2010 -- as America's TOP literal NAZI, and we had swastikas on the dinner plates and daily beatings growing up), was the chief liaison between Popes Paul VI, John Paul II, and Alexander and the leadership of the Republican Party and Fox News, PACKING the Supreme Court with "NAZI-style Catholics -- WHOM THE CATHOLIC CHURCH DOES NOT CONDEMN -- and I didn't think eating the literal flesh of Jesus did anything but make me a cannibal, I left the Church, but still think Jesus was one of the BEST spiritual teachers. 

  • I just don't worship Jesus any more than Muslims worship Muhammad or Jews worship any of THEIR prophets as an actual deity. And then my Mom had her brother killed in a VA Hospital because he allowed my cousin to marry a Jew. Here is what I sent CNN about it:


I expect HEATHER HAS TWO OPEN-CARRY MOMS will be next . . .

"Oh, I know folks is ALL up in arms about this book for the chillruns, but I say BRAVO! to Brian Jeffs & Nathan Nephew---& especially to illustrator Lorna Bergman---for being courageous enough to tell the story of a pistol-packin' Drag King & her common law Lady Friend… who appears to be a good 12-15 years younger than her daughter. Revo. Lutionary!" ~ Karl Woeltz

The perfect companion book to MY PARENTS OPEN CONTAINER, at this moment has 70 five-star reviews and 77 one-star reviews on Amazon. The others are insignificant.


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