Wednesday, June 3, 2015

WHOOPS!!! A White Supremacist, CIA Narco-Trafficking DEMOCRAT (of COURSE-- He's a Clinton Supporter!!!), Gets UPPITY WITH ME!!!

Arturo Pedilla, his English wife Emily, and their cook -- in Chac Mool Cafe!!! (where Puerto Vallarta Writers Group CIA also met in 2012 -- including Ted DruchTimothy Leary's, LIVE IN LOVER for two years!!!):

I have not received an email from you since you TRASHED "Frenchy" -- without admitting your FUCKING METH ADDICTION, you GOD-DAMNED CIA AGENT with those at Arturo's Chacala Restaurant -- whom I ALSO recently confronted!!! (And Arturo CLAIMED he now needed to MURDER ME for the benefit of the father-and-son Governors of the State of Nayarit!!!)

Sorry if yer just GRINGO DRUG TRASH -- that was ENTIRELY YOUR decision.

I ONLY report the truth about things . . .

Jade Luz -- who had me supplying him with CHUNKY PEANUT BUTTER -- the ONLY thing fattening enough for his "sensitive METH stomach", was ALSO known as MARMA DUKE and "Diamate Azul"!!!

Google those names for MORE DETAILS of his crimes in this blog!!!



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