Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Philip Rosario Has SERIOUSLY Degenerated in Both Mental and Emotional Stability -- THIS EVENING!!!

Philip Rosario

Today, I made clear several times that I would NOT accept the $50.00 he tried to hand me, saying he'd pay me the rest "later" (presumably today). I gave him until midnight to come up with the full $100.00 -- or my offer that he could remain here until 1/1/2016 was OFF!!!

About 5:00 PM, he matter-of-factly announced to me that he was going to drink some of his Aristocrat brand white tequila, and from observation, I can tell you that so far, he has finished off all but a shot of what had been a little more than half a 750 ml bottle. Then he told me he's been drinking and will not go out, tonight.

>>> Phil actually weighs about 20 pounds more than me -- and this amount of hard liquor would keep me from touching my car -- but I would be able to walk anywhere without much difficulty. Phil only walks -- or takes public transportation.

I reminded him of his commitment to pay before midnight, which he has so far ignored, taken to his bed, and said he feels very sick.

He also went to the bathroom a few minutes ago -- and left the water in the hand-sink turned on FULL BLAST -- like I also caught him doing about five days ago. I hollered to him about it in his bedroom -- the water running was LOUD and could be heard from most of the rooms in the apartment.

I think he has decided he doesn't like freedom, today, and subconsciously, is begging to be put in jail (all he does is watch TV, smoke cigarettes, and eat, anyway -- when not working). He refuses to become computer literate -- needed today for nearly every endeavor -- and nothing he claims makes logical sense

He keeps virtually NO commitments --and throws his broken thin-glass CRACK PIPE in the kitchen sink (not bothering to make sure all of it went down the drain -- and tossing it in the toilet and flushing would have actually MADE SENSE!!!)

So, I might have to have a "Police Intervention" -- or maybe a commitment for three days of observation -- but I'll deal with that tomorrow.

Tonight I have an appointment to visit Dewain in Brunswick County  Jail -- and HOPE Phil does not BURN DOWN THE HOUSE in my absence. The LAST time he had alcohol (three drinks), he set the materials in the ashtray on the porch to a BIG SMOLDERING, SMOKING MESS!!!



Something more pleasant to leave you with:

Elizabeth Taylor's home has been RESTORED!!!

Prior to the 1960’s, Puerto Vallarta was a small port town with a mere 10,000 residents, until it caught the eye's of Hollywood. In 1964 director John Hous


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