Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Yet ANOTHER Letter -- to Gold Walker (and accidentally sent "Bcc" to Jon Deputy) -- MERCY!!!

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>>> ADDED 12/6/2017: Due to NEW INFORMATION -- -- added in the NEXT posting, I am NOT giving this letter to Gold Walker, but merely the check -- and will discuss how we can work together to get Tyler Breton OUT of the apartment ASAP!!! 

See also:

December 6, 2017

Dear Gold,

Enclosed is the check for the electric at #4.

First, I have a funny story, then some practical info on Tyler I got when I called him this morning – and then the Doctor who prescribes his Adderall called MY phone to speak to Tyler – right after 5:00 PM.

When I got the water transferred, trash set up, etc., I was shocked to learn it takes $280.00 to get it done -- $200.00 of it is a deposit that you can get reduced by $50.00 – only if you show an original Social Security card. The reason not for providing just the number??? They NEVER check ANYONE’S credit, so anyone can get service with a FAKE S.S. number – ONE of the ways this County Utility SUPPORTS the Kenan/Christian Drug Mafia.

Now, you get your deposit back after a year -- if you’ve paid all your bills on time (the gas company allows TWO late payments in a year, and then THEY give it back after a year – and I had to pay deposit to NO ONE ELSE – Spectrum, Electric, Gas). Service is about $96.00 every two months – that BEFORE you use any water at all.

I was SPOILED the 25 years I owned my house in Stone Mountain, GA – I paid about $24.00 every two months, and the water was from Lake Lanier (America’s SECOND LARGEST man-made lake, named for the Poet, Sidney Lanier – second cousin removed a time or two of Tennessee Williams, really Thomas Lanier Williams III, who told me his middle name was for Sidney Lanier, and I ALSO knew Tenn’s relative, Dekalb County Georgia Republican Commissioner Robert Lanier in the late 1980s, he a HUGE Narco-Trafficker and Christian, of course, and I knew his FIRST WIFE who SPIT FIRE when I mentioned his name). 

Trash and recyclables were paid for all (but commercial), by City Taxes – they much lower than here in Wilmington (NOT including that service). 

I really had NO IDEA it could be so expensive to set up, and I told the clerk, “I can handle this now, but what do actual POOR people do???” She said, “I tell them the exact same thing: ‘Pay me $280.00, or you can’t get water.’” But she AGREED with me that the WHOLE STATE is controlled by my Kenan Family and the corrupted Christian Churches (such Churches – she being a Follower of Jesus, she absolutely HATES) – Republicans and Democrats alike – except possibly for Deb Butler, whom we BOTH now know!!!


Now, I called Tyler about 9:00 AM, waking him, and he was entirely civil – if seemingly unable to fully wake and pronounce words (a drug hangover???). He said that “they” (I don’t know who), had offered him $150.00 to move out, and he refused, and “you all” had told him you would have to give him a “Notice to Vacate”, and then some time later, have the Sheriff serve him.

He does seem to know how to “work the Law” – so I asked him if he had tried again to commit himself to a Mental Hospital, and he said no. He does seem back to a period of appearing to be a “normal person”.

Then late this afternoon, Michael Odibo, MD’s office called for Tyler to remind him of his tomorrow appointment (the doctor that prescribes Adderall, which is pharmaceutical grade Meth – what my good friend Danny Sinatra was prescribed in Wilmington as replacement-therapy for his Meth addiction – but now he’s been in California Prison for OVER two years on Meth-related offenses, and is BANNED FOR LIFE from Bank of America, first controlled by my wealthy relatives, and then by the Sinatras. Still, his mother, Patricia (telling me ALL ABOUT how she sold BoA to the Kenans’ NationsBank).

I told the guy that Tyler was being evicted, and that he had tried to commit himself, but fearing the staff were the FBI planning to kill him, chickened out and fled. I had ALSO – at that time of Tyler’s hallucinations – called and spoke to a person there at that very time, all but CUSSING HER OUT for their prescribing Adderall to someone FIRST diagnosed as BIPOLAR, and only later with ADHD. ANY speed will jack a bipolar into MANIA – and extreme forms include hallucinations!!!

ALL that typed, I think YOUR IDEA is perfect – and will work not only BEST, but most cheaply to you: FREEZE HIM OUT!!! He ALWAYS had to have tons of heat, the gas is already out throughout the apartment, and you should have been able to cut the electric on “his side” by now – depriving him of heat. We are expected to have a couple of light frosts very soon, and he can’t STAND the cold!!!

ALL his blankets were MINE (and gone) – LOL!!! He has NEVER been homeless, and it’s time he experienced a HOMELESS SHELTER, no???

That said, I hope you have given him a letter of “Notice to Get Out” by now. I discussed this idea with Jon Deputy a few days ago, and he said that Tyler is likely to buy a kerosene heater and accidentally BURN THE HOUSE DOWN.

I AGREE with Jon, generally, but NOT in Tyler’s case – but only YOU can decide.

I might have accidentally blind-copied this to Jon – I just HATE talking behind anyone’s back – and I sent Jon a sort of “Let’s get Back-to-Earth” letter, earlier today.


PS: EVERYONE in this neighborhood -- much like yours, but your tenants claim to be CHRISTIANSbut never read the BIBLE -- LOL!!! 


Anyway, they all smoke marijuana and HATE Republicans and Christians, so I feel RIGHT AT HOME (and LOVE this apartment).


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